Educational Scholarship Award
The Educational Scholarship Award is a NEW award to provide monetary assistance for tuition or seminar registration to any Ohio Chapter Student Member in good standing. This award is provided in an effort to further the fire investigation knowledge of student members. Additionally, the award is available to provide monetary assistance for tuition costs to an active Ohio Chapter member, in good standing, who has enrolled in a fire investigation curriculum at the college level. The member must have a financial hardship to enroll in college and demonstrate a considerable desire to further his or her education in the field of fire investigation.
Contact our office for more details.
George “AL” Eisnaugle Award
This award is presented to a Chapter member of good standing who has made an outstanding contribution toward the suppression of the crime of arson, promotion of the Chapter, and/or has significant involvement in fire and explosion investigations within the State of Ohio. It is limited to one (1) recipient annually.
Please submit an attestation letter explaining the major contribution the nominee has made in the field of arson suppression. The submission letter will be read at the presentation. Deadline for nominations is July 1st of each year. Submit Nomination form with required letter.
Life Membership Award
The life membership award may be conferred upon an active member in good standing with the Ohio Chapter and the IAAI for a period of 10 years or a member who has rendered distinctive service to the Ohio Chapter and its purposes for a minimum of five (5) years. There shall be only one (1) recipient of this award annually. Deadline for nominations is July 1st of each year.
Outstanding Accomplishment Award
This award is presented to a political sub-division, an agency (public or private), and / or a company who have developed successful programs to help reduce the incidence of arson or fraud through fire or explosion in the State of Ohio. There shall be only one (1) recipient of this award annually. Deadline for nominations is July 1st of each year.
Certificate of Merit
This award/awards are presented to person/persons who have made or assisted in a special contribution to arson investigation . Deadline for nominations is July 1st of each year.
Investigator of the Year (Charles McGrath Award)
This Award is presented to an individual who is an active member in good standing with the Ohio Chapter and the IAAI. The recipient must have shown and demonstrated outstanding achievement using professional expertise, either in criminal or civil fire and explosions investigations, with resolve. A letter of attestation should accompany the nomination form and will be read upon presentation of the award. This award is limited to one (1) recipient of this award annually. Deadline for nominations is July 1st of each year.
Don Cover Photography Award
Applications for photo contest awards must be properly completed with required documents and shall be received by the Chapter on or before July 1st of each year.
All photographs entered must be the work of the applicant and must have been taken within the preceding thirty-six (36) months of the photo contest ending date. Photo contest applications not properly completed shall be rejected and returned to the applicant.
There are two (2) categories for competition with the first and second place awards to be presented for each category. They are:
Arson photographs (color)
Accidental and/or Training photographs (color)
Information explaining the photograph as to its content and date taken shall be submitted with the application. Photos may be sent with the Nomination Form as an attachment.
Eugene L. Jewell – Scholarship Fund Award
Applications for this award must be properly completed with the required documents and shall be received by the Chapter on or before June 1st of each year.
Established in 1983, the purpose of this award is to provide monetary assistance for tuition and lodging only to any Ohio Chapter member in good standing to attend the annual Ohio Arson School. The nominee should have a financial hardship to attend this school and has demonstrated a considerable desire to further his or her education in the field of fire and explosion investigations. The recipient shall be notified by the Awards Committee Chairperson in a timely manner to register for the annual Ohio Arson School. The recipient is responsible for all other expenses applicable for attendance. The recipient shall confirm to the committee chairperson of their attendance to the school.
There shall be only one (1) recipient of this award annually.
President’s Award
This award is to be selected and presented by the Chapter President. The Chapter President is not required to select a recipient for this annual award.
The President can select a person or agency who has made or assisted in a special contribution to the Chapter or his or hers presidency during the year.